What to See in Lantau Island?

Lantau Island is the right place for you if you just want to relax, breathe fresh air and if you just want to  escape the hassle of city life. For me, its a place of visual entertainment. The beautiful scenery of the island stimulates the mind somehow calming it as well.

Here are some captivating attractions that I appreciated on our very first day.

The Ngong Ping Village

It's a man-made themed village that reflects Hong Kong rich cultural heritage. It's 1.5-hectare land area has much to offer--there you'll find variety of souvenir shops, cultural arts, coffee and tea houses, and a broad variety of restaurants (Italian, Turkish, Taiwanese, American etc.)

The Bodhi Tree: Can you see the tree behind my Mom and Yohel? This is a fake life size tree with plastic leaves and cement-made trunk and branches. It's amazing how they made it!

The Ngong Ping Village's Arc 

Ngong Ping's Stair-Climb Challenge

The Big Buddha has become one of the tourist attractions here due to it's elevated location with a long stretch flight of stairs going up. 

We're not done yet! We're still going to Central Hong Kong after this.

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